Applied Ideals is Creating $50 Million in New Sales for Anyone Selling Solutions to Reverse Global Warming

Project Drawdown

Hundreds of scientists identified ways to slow down — and reverse — global warming. They studied each solution in-depth looking for efficacy and cost. The result? These 80 ranked solutions to global warming.

The list will surprise you. For example, electric vehicles are #26 but refrigerant management is #1.

Switching refrigeration systems from HFCs to propane and ammonium, as well as recycling HFCs already in the field, is even better for our planet than switching to electric vehicles.Source: Project Drawdown

Switching refrigeration systems from HFCs to propane and ammonium, as well as recycling HFCs already in the field, is even better for our planet than switching to electric vehicles.

Source: Project Drawdown

here’s how we created $324,000 in sales Already

Applied Ideals is very good at coaching sales professionals to perform better.

One of our recent clients sells an invention that touches two drawdown solutions:

  • #45 - Building Automation

  • #57 - Smart Thermostats

While working together, he increased his sales $675,000 annually. He attributed $324,000 of that to us (which is about $3.2m more in equity!). Read the details here.

Here’s how we’re creating $1,000,000 in sales

Now imagine a company that sells any of the drawdown solutions. Maybe they:

  • #1 - Recycle HFCs

  • #3 - Reduce food waste

  • #4 - Switch people to more plant-rich diets

  • #10 - Install rooftop solar panels

  • #60 - Composting

Or maybe they are a sustainability consultant or sell carbon credits. We’re confident we can increase their revenue $1,000,000 annually. How? With our six week sales boot camp and ongoing support.

In 2018, we ran four similar groups with about 24 participants. Don increased sales 2X, Alixandria 8X, John 9X, Julian 15X, Cedric 25X. You can read their stories here.

A $2m company can — with our value added — increase their performance greatly.

A $2m company can — with our value added — increase their performance greatly.

And Here’s how we’re creating $6,000,000 in sales

Each sales boot camp has about six participants. This could be the Founder/CEO — for smaller companies — or the VP of Sales or Sales Manager.

Each sales boot camp will increase sales of drawdown solutions $5-6m.

Each sales boot camp will increase sales of drawdown solutions $5-6m.

And Here’s how we’re creating $50,000,000 in sales

Our team has the capacity to run at least six sales boot camps in 2019.

Our team has the capacity to run at least six sales boot camps in 2019.

Want to join our adventure?

There are three ways you can help. Contact us if:

  1. You run a company that sells any of the drawdown solutions (e.g. refrigerant recycling, solar installation, etc.).

  2. You can introduce us to anyone in a company like this

  3. You are a sales professional that wants to join this movement. What if you increase sales $50m too? And what if 100 others do as well? ;)
